Fairly Fair Again

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If you recall from my previous post, I had knitted a beautiful little fair isle hat, one of my first knit-in-the round projects I’ve taken on.  Unfortunately, due to the gauge of the yarn, the sizing turned out a little smaller than I had anticipated and I was thus not able to give this to my daughter to use in the future.  However, I was determined after my first go, to do it again, but this time to make one that would fit.

I expanded the pattern I found by one additional pattern repeat from the toddler size and I also decided to do an inverse of the colors from the previous project.

IMG_5620I decided to add a pom pom to the top of the hat in lieu of the little loop that the patter calls for.  I just love pom poms and I was trying to make this a little more roomy and “slouchy” so there would be a little extra length should my daughter need it.  I added a little purple into the predominantly white pom pom to give it a little bit of a color balance.

As you can see from the front photo, this hat fits my daughter and seems to be stretchy enough and large enough to allow her to grow into it.  She also, surprisingly, let me put it on her head and take a couple of shots of it before exhibiting her more common behavior of ripping it off her head and throwing it on the floor.  Sigh…. I’ll take what I can get and hopefully she’ll be more amenable when the weather gets colder!